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Head of Elk Chapter, NSDAR

Elkton, Maryland

Our History

The Head of Elk Chapter, NSDAR, was organized on December 20, 1930, in Elkton, Cecil County, Maryland, and was confirmed by the National Society in January 1931.

The organizational meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Irvin T. Kepler, Organizing Regent, with twenty charter members. The chapter was given the name of the town as it was known until 1787.

Head of Elk became historic in the American Revolutionary War as the focal point for the transportation of troops, food, animals, and armaments, being, as Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart stated, “in a key position, geographically speaking, to the armies of the northern and southern colonies and was a thoroughfare for the troops of both sides, traveling by land or water; it was a frequent stopping place for officers – Washington, Lafayette, Rochambeau, Howe, and others – who were authentically recorded visitors in the town.”

A large 1735 map shows very clearly the origin of the name. The courses of two streams, Big and Little Elk Creeks, converge to form the Elk River, and bear a striking resemblance to the horns of the elk. The point marked landing was the point of embarkation for American and French troops enroute down the Elk River and the Chesapeake Bay.

From “A History of Head of Elk Chapter DAR” compiled in 1976.